Author Archives: ramast

Sumatra (Indonesia)

In the boat from Malakka to Dumai I was almost the only foreigner. there was also another girl but that was it.
There is nothing really to see in Dumai so I took a microbus to bukittingi (took something like 16 hour)

bukit tinggi wasn’t very interesting to me. yes there was a dutch fortress and some nice scenery, a zoo which I wouldn’t visit (cause who wants to support animal suffering)

bukit tinggi is also not the cheapest city, I had to pay $7.5 for a room on the roof in a hotel with bathroom outside, normal rooms would be 10$ or more.
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Why am I here? Its all decided by skyscanner
Malaysia was the cheapest accessible place to me after Nepal. Its also very cheap to go to anywhere in Asia from Malaysia.
I arrived at night almost 11pm. when you book a ticket to Malaysia through Air Asia they also offer you a bus ticket to the city and a SIM card for extra charge, Don’t do that!
I expected to get my bus ticket and SIM card in the plane but instead I had to ask in many places in the airport until I could finally find the place the gives me the SIM card and the other place that give me the bus ticket. I’ve also missed all the cool offers provided by other SIM card companies because you know I’ve already paid for it.

after the bus dropped me in the city I wanted to walk to hotel – can’t really afford a taxi -. it was almost 12am but the real problem was humidity. even for a hot country one would expect a good weather at that time of the day but humidity was too high. too high that metal bridges were dripping water. too humid that my mobile’s touch started to act funny.

Finally arrived to the hotel at 1am, I’ve booked in advance and the receptionist was waiting for me outside smoking a ciggerate
He told me the dorm is already full and that I have been upgraded to a single room. cool!
This happened to many many times after that I always recommend booking in advance but only for a day or two.

I didn’t take any pictures while in Kuala Lumpur. the city looked like it was just built and I didn’t like that.I couldn’t wait to leave to the farm I am volunteering at.

after two days in KL I took a bus to Kuala Selangor (Kuala in Malaysian means the point where a river meets the ocean).

a common scam at the bus station: You ask if this bus is going to destination x? the driver says yes and even charge you much less than what you expect to pay then drop you somewhere closer to your destination and tell you to take another bus from there.
I hated this.

Kuala Selangor looks very developed just like Kuala Lumpur but even hotel receptionist (let alone restaurants owners) couldn’t speak English.
Same fancy buildings and super wide streets.

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Back to Kathmandu

after that I started to look for a place to stay but no apartments for rent in Pokhara nor Chitwan – that I could find – so I had to go back to Kathmandu.
This time I stayed in a nice dorm (First time stay in dorm since I traveled to Nepal)

the dorm called turtle backpacker hostel which wasn’t so cheap (4$) but it was close to a temple where many monkeys live.

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Anapurna hill and Pokhara

I decided to move from TravelInn to Pushpahouse where I met another cool Chili couple. Also for the first time I met a nice Nepali guy through CouchSurfing who helped the three of us to go around Pokhara in local buses. We went to Devi's falls which is water falls called Davi after a woman who died there

This is Gnaish statue (God of luxury and money?)

people are trying to aim at his head with coins, whoever his coin fall on his head should get goodluck of somekind.

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Visiting the temple Shanti Stupa

Nature in Pokhara is very pretty, the lake, the trees, the camels, hold on camels? WTF? this gotta be joke right?
Yea, they have it here as well but I didn’t really encounter many.

Women like to wash their cloths in the lakes – flash back to the dirty Nile river –
although to be fair Nile is far much cleaner than this lake

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Way to Pokhara

The couple I went with to Monkey temple decided to book bus ticket through their hotel I decided to take a bus on my own to Pokhara.
I really want to learn how to negotiate and experiment everything on my own and hopefully learn few lessons.
We agreed we would meet at the bus station when we arrive.

I woke up late packed really quickly only 10 minutes left before the bus take off
no taxies in the street. when I finally found one he asked for 200 rupee, I knew this is too much but there was no time.
not a good start for a person who wants to know how to negotiate.

arrived at the bus station, insisted to pay 400 rupee only for the ride.
only a filthy bus agreed to my price which I later learned he would’ve accepted 350 rupee.
should’ve paid 100 extra and get into a decent bus. see I am learning.

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First day in Nepal

6am: bells are ringing to wake me up, what the hell these bells are?
Its cold now but I know it will reach 20 degree soon.

7am: Finally hunger got strong enough to overcome my strong desire to stay in a warm bed.

Outside my hotel offered breakfast for 300 NRP its a lot of money or is it not? My rule is to remove two zeros and u end up with the amount in dollars then multiply by 7 to get amount in EGP.
So 20le for a breakfast sounds reasonable.

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